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Vladimir Petrovsky (1933-2014)
The Founder of CDAC, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations (1992-2002), Deputy Foreign Minister of the USSR (1986-1991).

V.Petrovsky and M.S.Karlen
Vladimir F. Petrovsky (right) and Michael S.Karlen (left), Secretary-General of CDAC at UNESCO, Paris, May 27, 2005.

CDAC's Executive Board
from left to right: Michael S. Karlen, Secretary-General Dunya Buisman-Verwey, Board member Vladimir Petrovsky, Founder and Chairman Jurn Buisman, Board member.

Vladimir Petrovsky (1933-2014)
The Founder of CDAC, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations (1992-2002), Deputy Foreign Minister of the USSR (1986-1991).
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